Tag Archives: compassionate

Looking for a job? Become a Visiting Companion

Looking for a job? Become a Visiting Companion

If you’re unemployed or looking for work, you might consider becoming a Visiting Companion. You may already have the necessary skills to be a non-medical Visiting Companion. Do you like spending time with or helping other people? Do people consider you as caring and compassionate? If so, you may make the perfect Visiting Companion.


Place Your Listing as a Visiting Companion Today for FREE.

Offer expires tonight at midnight.

elder-companionEach Visiting Companion brings their own unique set of skills and interest. There’s nothing to learn, just be who you are and share yourself with others and you will receive money in exchange for your services.

Visiting Companions are their own boss. You set your own hours, determine what services you will provide and how much you will be paid. You review and select which clients you will work with.

Visiting Companions need no license, do not offer medical care or services, and are responsible for maintaining the relationship between the client and themselves. If you do have licensure in your area of expertise, you may certainly refer to it in your listing, but credentials are not required or standard.

Visiting Companions work with elders and may work for the elder, the elder’s family or organization. Clients may include developmentally disabled, pregnant or new mothers, patients recovering from surgery at home, hospital patients without family in the immediate area, isolated individuals and may include children and/or adults,

Visiting Companions focus more on a social emphasis. Sometimes all someone needs is a friend, someone to talk to, spend time with, enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Visiting Companions increase the quality of life of their clients by offering social and emotional support. Activities may include playing cards, crafting, friendly conversation, hobby participation & encouragement, watching television, teaching them to play an instrument, reading books, letter writing, picking up & dropping off mail, stimulating activities, hygiene supervision and ambulation monitoring.

Visiting Companions may elect to offer domestic services, like, cooking or baking assistance, meal preparation, reminding them to take their medication, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, picking up pharmacy medications, make or change bedding, wash, sort or fold laundry, drop off or pick up dry cleaning, cleaning kitchen and/or attending family gatherings.

Some Visiting Companions offer transportations services, like, driving, accompanying client to appointments, attending community activities or public functions, seeing a movie, going to a theater, visiting a museum or art gallery, escorting client to special events, assisting with pets, running errands or offering shopping assistance.

Technology assistance may come in the form of helping someone use a computer, cell phone, tablet or other technology, while recreation assistance can include taking a walk or participating in other recreational activities.

Being a Visiting Companion is an exciting and rewarding experience that satisfies ones need to do your part to make the world a better place by sharing your life with others in need of your companionship.

Click here for more tips on how to place an effective Visiting Companion listing.

Start today by placing your listing, making yourself available to those in need… You’ll be glad you did.